9781265038540 Hill

(e-Book) International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace (12 Months Digital Access) 14th Edition – Hill


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Product Description

Market-defining since it was introduced, International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace by Charles W.L. Hill (University of Washington) sets the standard and is the proven choice for International Business at the undergraduate and graduate level. The 14th edition provides a complete solution that is relevant (timely, comprehensive), practical (focus on applications of concepts), integrated (integrated progression of topics) and the most up-to-date on the market.

Table of Content

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Part One: Introduction and Overview
Chapter 1: Globalization

Part Two: National Differences
Chapter 2: National Differences in Political, Economic, and Legal Systems
Chapter 3: National Differences in Economic Development
Chapter 4: Differences in Culture
Chapter 5: Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Sustainability

Part Three: The Global Trade and Investment Environment
Chapter 6: International Trade Theory
Chapter 7: Government Policy and International Trade
Chapter 8: Foreign Direct Investment
Chapter 9: Regional Economic Integration

Part Four: The Global Monetary System
Chapter 10: The Foreign Exchange Market
Chapter 11: The International Monetary System
Chapter 12: The Global Capital Market

Part Five: The Strategy and Structure of International Business
Chapter 13: The Strategy of International Business
Chapter 14: The Organization of International Business
Chapter 15: Entering Developed and Emerging Markets

Part Six: International Business Functions
Chapter 16: Exporting, Importing, and Countertrade
Chapter 17: Global Production and Supply Chain Management
Chapter 18: Global Marketing and Business Analytics
Chapter 19: Global Human Resource Management
Chapter 20: Accounting and Finance in International Business

Part Seven: Integrative Cases
How the iPhone Is Made: Apple’s Global Production System
Kenya: An African Lion
Poland: Eastern Europe’s Economic Miracle