9789813158962 Cengel Heat

(e-Book) Heat and Mass Transfer in SI Units 6th Edition (12 Months Digital Access) – Cengel


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Table of Contents

1) Introduction and Basic Concepts
2)Heat Conduction Equation
3)Steady Heat Conduction
4)Transient Heat Conduction
5)Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
6)Fundamentals of Convection
7)External Forced Convection
8)Internal Forced Convection
9)Natural Convection
10)Boiling and Condensation
11)Heat Exchangers
12)Fundamentals of Thermal Radiation
13)Radiation Heat Transfer
14)Mass Transfer
15)Cooling of Electronic Equipment (Online Chapter)
16)Heating and Cooling of Buildings (Online Chapter)
17)Refrigeration and Freezing of Foods (Online Chapter)
Appendix- Property Tables and Charts