
C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design 8th edition – D.S Malik


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Product Description

Malik’s C++ PROGRAMMING: FROM PROBLEM ANALYSIS TO PROGRAM DESIGN, 8E remains the definitive choice for teaching a first programming language course with its student-centered methodology that focuses on problem-solving and full-code examples to demonstrate the how and why of applying programming concepts as well as how to utilize C++ most effectively to work through a problem.

Table of Content

1. An Overview of Computers and Programming Languages.
2. Basic Elements of C++.
3. Input/Output.
4. Control Structures I (Selection).
5. Control Structures II (Repetition).
6. User-Defined Function.
7. Namespaces, the class string, and User-Defined Simple Data Types.
8. Arrays.
9. Records (structs).
10. Classes and Data Abstraction.
11. Inheritance and Composition.
12. Pointers, Classes, Virtual Functions, and Abstract Classes.
13. Overloading and Templates.
14. Exception Handling.
15. Recursion.
16. Searching and Sorting.
17. Linked Lists.
18. Stacks and Queues.

A. Reserved Words.
B. Operator Precedence.
C. Character Sets.
D. Operators Overloading.
E. Additional C++ Topics.
F. Header Files.
G. Memory Size on a System and Random Number Generators.
H. Standard Template Library (STL)
I. Answers to Odd Numbered Exercises.